Why use helyOS® framework?


Building applications in autonomous driving is a multidisciplinary challenge. helyOS® helps to close the gaps between the different areas of expertise typically present in a mobile machine project. The framework provides guidelines for building resilient and maintainable applications, while its core software, the helyOS® core, functions as a gateway, offering seamless interaction between automated facility's agents, applications and the cloud services.

With the helyOS® framework, you can accelerate the development of automation projects in warehouse, smart farming, or yard automation.

helyOS data sources.

Data backbone

helyOS® facilitates the integration of distinct systems by providing access to relevant data through various protocols: HTTP, Web socket, AMQP and MQTT. This allows for efficient access and management of mission data, which is promptly stored and made available for future analytical purposes.

helyOS® simplifies the interaction between the automated facility and the external applications or cloud services by implementing convenient communication features, while also acting as a proxy to strengthen the system security. 


Regarding data formats, helyOS® takes a minimal constraint approach, making it an ideal choice for applications utilizing robots or vehicles from different vendors. 

The framework is highly flexible when it comes to the degree of automation; agents not only execute missions but are also able to request missions themselves. With the help of microservices, the application features can be customized and adapted to meet specific use cases. 

helyOS data sources.

How it works

The helyOS®  framework follows an event-driven architecture pattern. The application features are realized by employing microservices that are triggered according to the user-machine interaction.

The developer registers the application and the required microservices in a visual dashboard or directly in the configuration file, microservices.yml.  After that, the developer declares the available missions according to the application goals in missions.yml

Robotic engineers are free to choose the data format of the mission assignments for the automated vehicles. They only must publish the agent state and assignment status. This information is used by the helyOS® core to orchestrate the mission assignments.

A simple example

A software developer has to build a smart farming app to control a truck and a tractor. She registered her application and two microservices: one for calculating the route (Router service), and one for path calculations considering the vehicle geometry (Path planner). The truck and the tractor are from different vendors; they have their own data format for assignment. Therefore, the developer implements a third microservice to convert the path to the vendor-specific data format.